Please help us to keep this information up to date and accurate. For corrections (misspelled names, wrong class years etc.) or if you are certain of the passing of classmates that are not listed, please let us know by filling in the form at the bottom of this page. Hyphenated names are used to help our alumni remember their former classmates by including the names by which they were most familiar.
Updated on
Saturday, January 18, 2025
- Alford, Danny 2003
- Bagaciunis, John
- Bell-Ashley, Christina 1/17/2025
- Bernard, Rob 12/23/2023
- Bisesi, David James 8/25/2009
- Clemence, Kathryn 8/13/2018
- Connaughton, Brent
- Corp, Jed 3/24/2023
- Duke-Stone, MaryAnn 7/12/2009
- Duprie-Hughey, Donna 10/11/2020
- Fancher, Randall 8/2004
- Fava, Vince
- Fitzpatrick, Matt
- Flory-Haws, Roxanne 4/17/2008
- Gardner, Harry 1978
- Granz, George 2022
- Grove-Parrott, Penny
- Hannah, Mark
- Heim, Karen
- Herman, Gordon
- Herwarth, Michael 7/10/2016
- Joanides, Elizibeth (Becky) 5/2002
- Johnson, Carl 10/6/2021
- Krzeminski-Myers, Mary 1/30/2023
- Kuish, Dean 6/1997
- Lackey, Pat
- Leinonen, Arthur (Buddy)
- Leo, Danny 1/13/2024
- Lezotte, Carol 9/1982
- Lyp-Manfre, Diane 6/24/2024
- McMahon, Bill 5/3/2024
- Millar, Scott 11/1999
- Montgomery, Jerry 3/19/2021
- Myers, Jim 08/30/2008
- O'Brien, Tim 8/13/2011
- Pangle-Blanchard, Michelle 7/11/2006
- Paul, Darrell
- Pickens, Henry
- Rushton, Steven 8/12/2009
- Snedeker-Domman, Maryann 10/7/2009
- Snell, Kristi
- Spisak, Joeseph 5/8/2017
- Stone, Gary 5/25/2015
- Therrien-Miller, Barb
- Toth, Dan 5/7/2023
- Ventimiglia, Anthony
- Walters, Joseph 8/18/2017
- Auty, John 12/11/2013
- Buza, Russell 8/1/2014
- Coleman, Tommy Lee 3/17/2007
- Cornelius, Laurie
- Cox-Bellanger, Kathy
- Cremona, Charles 8/5/2024
- Czajkowski, Patrick (PJ) 7/8/13
- Dean, Toby 9/7/2006
- Douglas, Steve 9/2/2021
- Duffield, Ardath 2013
- Falzon, Mary 11/5/2023
- Flynn, Jeri Ann
- Freeman, Ed 5/17/2021
- Girgen, Jeffery J. 8/8/2024
- Givens, Keith
- Griffin, Jeff
- Grove, Jim
- Hagedon, Craig 7/31/2021
- Hall, Ronald 3/20/1994
- Hendrie, Charles 2004
- Herndon, William 9/15/1988
- Kendall, Patrick
- Kozma, Brian 6/3/2016
- Mullins, Anita 9/15/2021
- LaPerriere, Diane
- Lindstrom, Bruce 7/9/2020
- Lizura, Mark 2019
- Monroe-Allen, Cathy 9/3/2018
- Nemitz, Lenora
- Prange, Chuck
- Rushford, Steve 5/10/2022
- Sarna, Jane 4/19/82
- Schlegel, Linda
- Secreto, Mark
- Smith, Randy
- Southwell, Robert 6/5/2013
- Spencer, Lisa
- Stewart-Watson, Carol
- St Jacques, John
- Szumlanski, Donald 2/4/2017
- Teschke-Bennane, Mary Lou 4/2/2013
- Vagi, Timothy 11/3/2017
- Vanbuskirk, Ken 9/1/2021
- Williamson-Schwartz, Barb 2003
- Wood-Stephens, Cindy
- Zak, Cindy 6/1/2016
- Zeilinger, Randy 11/22/2023
- Amburgey, Donna S. 5/21/2016
- Badowski, Cary 4/18/2018
- Barill, Mark 7/23/2012
- Bonarek, Larry 1/20/2015
- Brooks, Bill
- Carr, Bob
- Caswell, Joe 7/10/2021
- Chapman, Mark 7/1/2017
- Delaney-Leary, Mary 3/1/2010
- Doyle, Greg 4/29/2021
- Erwin, Scott 8/4/2016
- Goll-Wymans, Elaine 1/2005
- Jackson-Dysarz, Donna 3/28/2023
- Kreis, Tony
- Loritz, Brent 9/2/2024
- Mechling, Elizabeth 2/1/1984
- Minor-Radlicki, Marcie 1/5/2024
- Montgomery, Karen
- Peterson, Jeff 3/20/2024
- Richardson-Wilson, Laurie 1/23/2018
- Schmansky-Sawicki, Elisabeth 5/8/2023
- Schuler, Gary 7/29/2022
- Sei-LaDuke, Tina
- Street, Jennifer
- Woods, Mike 10/13/2021
- Barclay, Gavin 3/27/2005
- Bernard, Carolyn 5/1/2020
- Brooks, Todd
- Carter-Giesler, Charlotte
- Dalton, Fred 5/10/2016
- Fisher, Russell 4/29/2009
- Genereux, André 7/1988
- Gulledge-Todd, Donna 8/27/2001
- Hewitt, Brent 3/2005
- Hewitt, Brian 7/26/2019
- Jakubiec, Ken T. 3/15/2019
- Koeppen, Karl 3/28/2011
- Levendowski, Suzanne 2/11/2012
- Loritz, Gary
- McNamara, Mark
- Millar, Brian 6/27/2018
- Ondejko-Duprie, Janine 8/16/2016
- Potvin, Jerome 1/28/2017
- Rice, Carl 2009
- Schlegel, Pam 1979
- Sheridan, James 8/12/2012
- Sparks-Vaughn, Joyce
- St Jacques, Rob
- Stover, Michael 7/29/2014
- Taylor, Kenneth 7/19/2014
- Welsh, Kenneth 4/1/2016
- Wilson, Yvette 1979
- Bonarek, Kenneth 3/16/2016
- Cameron, Kenneth 7/27/2024
- Downey Jr., Robert
- Hagedon, Gary 6/27/2022
- Johns, Kevin 1/4/2012
- Moceri-Belletini, Phyllis 3/15/2018
- Olivier, Mark
- Pozon, Rey 4/26/2022
- Schneider, Michael 3/1/2011
- Tanner, Robert 11/4/2008
- Clark, James 3/22/2018
- Cote, Matt 3/2/2016
- Gipson, David 7/29/2011
- Krzyzaniak-Cooper, Mitzi 9/27/2023
- Lombard, James 6/16/2010
- Petry, Brad 2016
- Pryor, Jeff 12/31/2021
- Watson, JoAnne 8/2003
- Alford, Sean 8/19/2009
- Bagaciunis, Charlie 8/9/2010
- Banko, Tracy
- Bell, Reggie 2004
- Bolton, Terry 4/10/1990
- Campbell, Glen
- Foster, John 2006
- Gibson-Novinskey, Dawn 6/14/2019
- LaCroix, Jason
- LaPerriere, Debra
- Lewis, Regina 5/23/2021
- Mack, Susan 2/6/2022
- Porcaro Jr., Albert
- Pudelek, Joseph
- Snedeker, Ken 8/19/2012
- Thibeault, Jeanine
- Turza, Joseph M. 4/27/2019
- Uren, Laurie 7/21/2017
- Von Gerichten 7/30/2018
- Webb, Tammy 10/2006
- Hall, Stephen
- Hicks-Frazier, Jodi A. 7/2017
- Long, Kenneth
- Mullins, Michele 3/6/2022
- Pilat, Michele M. 1/2/2021
- Rhode, Robert 2018
- Spade, Dawn 1/14/2010
- Stefeck, Anthony
- Vorhoff IV, William J. 1/13/2022
- Carroll, John
- Fernandez, John
- Griffin, Eddie 6/3/2010
- Hines, Jim
- Lara, David 6/19/2015
- Larabee-Morgan, Ellen 2/6/2020
- Louwers, Shari 12/6/2021
- Merriman, Michael R.
- Pozon, Joseph 5/14/2021
- Quinn, Freddie
- Stephens, Mark 10/9/2023
- Stover, Doreen 4/7/2012
- Barnes, Lee 1/27/2019
- Caldwell-McCoy, Narvette
- Carble, Rhonda 3/22/2024
- Hakola, David 11/10/1995
- Hall, Kim 9/14/2010
- Harris, Billie Ray
- Jenkins, Lamonth 3/16/2024
- Keith, Beverly
- Swan-Carson, Diana 6/17/2024
- Wolons, Sean 3/8/2021
- Bagley, Dennis 10/11/2022
- Cripps, George
- Gideon, Dennis 12/7/2021
- Knox, Lisa 1/1/2019
- Laskey, William
- McNaught, David 10/19/2014
- Mead-Bordon-Holmblade, Julie 5/27/2012
- Nave, Rick
- Scruggs, Lillian
- Smarsh, Tony 3/4/2024
- Smith, Donald
- Waegner-Baringer, Joann 11/7/2011
- Mattson, Jeff 9/26/2022
- Miller, Michael P 4/26/2011
- Pryor, Matt 9/10/2021